Hydrocarbons and renewables are not antagonists – A myth to dispel

Hydrocarbons such as those proposed by Settala Gas are too often held up for power generation alone, but few know that they also have important industrial uses. In this sense, hydrocarbons and renewables are not antagonistic, and this is a myth that needs to be dispelled.
Everyone knows that renewables are the future and partly already, the present, yet fossil sources will continue to dominate the electricity consumption scene for a long time to come. It is a technical and economic mistake to imagine a scenario in which renewables will provide 100 percent of electricity in a short time and to consider fossil sources and renewables as antagonists.
In fact, hydrocarbons represent a stable and controllable raw material unlike light, air and wind, which industries and people cannot manage at will but exploit for energy production only when they are available. That is why we cannot predict how much electricity will be, in a given period, produced by photovoltaic, wind or hydroelectric power plants. Therefore, we cannot freely plan our consumption, as we are accustomed and sometimes obliged to do.
Conflict between hydrocarbons and renewables - Lack of information
The myth to dispel regarding the conflict between hydrocarbons and renewables stems from a lack of knowledge and information. The energy transition and green business are seen as opportunities for growth and diversification, and today most companies are aiming to invest heavily in Research and Development (R&D) and skills acquired in the upstream sector.
The goal of such investments is to increase diversification and energy efficiency both in energy production quado in reducing consumption related to the production process. Renewable sources at the center of the energy transition include onshore and offshore wind; blue energy; solar PV; geothermal; biomass & Waste-to-Energy; and gas storage. Not forgetting the importance of research in energy storage that would enable greater security and stability of supply.
Energy mix of economics and sustainability
The solution adopted by the upstream supply chain involves diversification of sources with a mix of hydrocarbons and renewables that allow for economic sustainability ease of supply, and low emissions.
All this is happening while investment in research and exploration has plummeted, it is true, but oil companies are equipped with research centers of excellence that allow them to be at the forefront of the development and implementation of technological solutions that can also be applied in areas other than strictly Oil&Gas.
Therefore, it is not wrong to say that the much-hyped green revolution will also come through "traditional" energy companies. That is why even at Settala Gas we are keen to remind ourselves how traditional energy sources and renewable energy sources are not antagonistic, but work together towards a cleaner future and a more efficient and sustainable use of energy.
Learn more about Settala Gas' production and selling of hydrocarbons!