Discovering environmentally friendly hydrocarbons - Properties, uses and benefits

Hydrocarbons are organic compounds characterized only by carbon and hydrogen. If used exclusively as fuels, they represent a source of atmospheric pollution. Gasoline, diesel and kerosene pollute soil, groundwater and surface water and only remediation systems allow the biodegradation of the substances by aerating the soil and introducing macro and micronutrients. For this reason, low molecular weight hydrocarbons defined as - ecological hydrocarbons, produced by SETTALA GAS and used in the field of refrigeration as they are defined as natural refrigerants, have been taken into consideration. These refrigerants allow the removal of heat from the surrounding environment through the transition from liquid to gaseous state.
Ecological hydrocarbons - Properties
Their specific thermodynamic and chemical properties distinguish ecological refrigerant gases proposed by Settala. They are chemically and thermally stable gases.
Which hydrocarbons are used in refrigeration
Refrigerants used in refrigeration are many and varied, and in the world of air conditioning the best known are the following.
This fluid is suitable for small systems that was introduced to replace fluids, such as R22, which are particularly polluting and harmful to the ozone layer. This is an ecological hydrocarbon that could be widely used as regulations become increasingly restrictive (there is a trend towards the use of refrigerants with increasingly low GWP).
This is the most widely used fluid in the past, but from 2025 it can no longer be used due to its high GWP.
This hydrocarbon replaced the old R12 when the latter was banned. The only disadvantage compared to the R12 fluid is a reduction in cooling capacity.
Similar to R22, it is the most widely used in refrigeration equipment since it is an environmentally friendly gas that does not require major construction changes.
Settala Gas - The specialist in hydrocarbons - Natural refrigerants valid substitutes for gases banned by the KYOTO protocol
For over 40 years, Settala has specialized in the production of hydrocarbon gases and responds to every customer need with competitive solutions and a fast and efficient service in compliance with regulations. In particular, we pay attention to the issues of environmental protection and sustainability by offering eco-friendly products, which do not contribute to increasing the greenhouse effect and pollution. This is to offer the customer a valid alternative to the gases banned by the Kyoto Protocol and to allow everyone to make a sustainable choice when purchasing hydrocarbon refrigerant gases. Contact us for more information on green hydrocarbons.