Air conditioning - The story shared by Settala Gas

Some people love it, others hate it. There are those who, in summer, keep it on at all hours and those who don't, saying that it makes them sick and gives them a headache. We are talking about air conditioning, which is essential for relief on hot summer days.
Air conditioning has undoubtedly improved people's lives, even if it has contributed to an increase in energy consumption and pollution, worsening the feeling of heat perceived in large cities. Air conditioning has not created yet to bring relief and improvement to human life, but to increase the productivity of an old printing plant in New York.
Air conditioning - History
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the United States experienced two particularly hot summers, which threatened the work of the Sackett-Wilhelms Lithographic and Publishing Company. The summer humidity swelled the pages and faded the ink, ruining the printing process and causing the company significant financial losses.
It was decided to cool the air by improving on the techniques used in previous centuries. In 1902, Willis Carrier designed a machine with a fan that blew air from coils filled with cold water, which was placed next to the printing press. This also allowed the workers to work in a more comfortable environment.
However, in 1922 Carrier invented a new system that was more efficient and can be considered the first real air conditioner in history, called the Centrifugal Refrigeration Compressor. From now on, the technique would spread to US industrial plants improving workers' productivity.
From factory to cinema and private homes
At the beginning of the 1900s cinemas offered cheap entertainment, but the air inside them was stale and smelly. This paved the way for the widespread use of air conditioning in private homes after the Second World War in the USA and later in Europe.
In 1945, Life magazine dedicated an in-depth article to this technology, which was considered a modestly priced luxury. Not surprisingly, in the USA, where air conditioning is used at very low temperatures - 87% of homes have it installed. For many however, especially in the second half of the 1800s, cooling the air was an affront to God. The first air conditioning systems proposed in the 1700s and 1800s had a similar technique to that used by Carrier, but were viewed with distrust and used only to relieve the sick.
It was not until the 1900s that moral scruples lost their relevance and the mistrust of air conditioning disappeared, and in the 1920s and 1930s it began to be sold to the masses. A curiosity?
In an interview, Carrier said that he imagined a future with an "average businessman who wakes up pleasantly rested, having slept in an air-conditioned room; who then travels in an air-conditioned train; and finally goes to work in an air-conditioned office". We experience this situation every day.
Air and hydrocarbons: PURIF|AIR products
PURIFAIR is the eco-friendly line of aerosol propellants and the historical product of Settala Gas. The propellant industry affects the environment in many ways and we are aware of our ecological responsibilities. Today, toxic and polluting gases have been completely replaced by aerosol propellants and our company has contributed greatly to this evolution. We are both a leader and a point of reference in this sector for the technical and regulatory support required for the use of this type of product.
Discover characteristics and use of PURIF|AIR products and other hydrocarbon gases marketed and produced by Settala Gas.